Dear Readers,
I am so excited to share this piece of auditory brilliance, written and provided by a fellow escapee. I love the way he wove “observations” into the song giving them the perfect creepy character they deserve. Would love to hear about your favorite parts! And now, for your listening pleasure:
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]
The OSG song (oh, so, good)
OH, SO, GOOD…so, good…so, good…
I’m climbing up towards a finer place
objectively observing, and forcing smiles upon my face
But I just can’t seem to shake this sinking feeling
(no buts no justs, no buts no justs)
You tell me move myself in circles,
we’re forcibly denying. and it’s…
Oh, So, Good
I’m evolving higher
these ideas you stole and bastardized
oh how they inspire
and it’s…
Oh, So, Good
You say you need me to be all in
and address the check ‘OSG’
to pay for my arising
Oh, So, Good
and you keep feeding me lies
in your truth of choosing’s disguise.
What an amazing feat
in this age of vast technology,
to keep us in the shadows…
and blind to your hypocracy.
But I guess I should give credit where it’s due,
(no buts no shoulds, no buts no shoulds)
because you helped me see so clearly,
Now through you I see so clearly,
and now I see so clearly…
that which I already knew.
and it’s…
Oh, So, Good
You say you’re teaching,
but what’s practiced in here
is not what it’s preaching
Oh, So, Good
You call it clever,
but there is no denying
your insincerity’s lying
Oh, So, Good
and you’ll keep eating your lies
in your truth of choosing’s disguise.
Does anyone else have “school” inspired brilliance to share? I’m not posting regularly, myself, so I would love to make CultConfessions/Gentle Souls Revolution an open forum.
That song is amazing!!
I am so glad that you are thinking of making this blog into an open forum. Hopefully, that means that you are healing well from your experience. Also, there has been a lack of an open forum since the esotericfreedom blog was removed. So unfortunate. I hope they will be able to put it back up.
Hi Mariah, Thanks for commenting. I would LOVE to make this blog into an open forum. And yes, I am healing well. There’s a lot to be said for not allowing other people to micro-manage my daily life. 😉 There may be a blog post in that … more later. I hope you are healing well, too!
I thought the use of observations as background was brilliant. If you didn’t know about ‘school’ you probably wouldn’t pick up on it. If you do, it’s pretty powerful.
I’m glad you shared the song on this blog. I like to think one of the school monitors will hear it as a result.
Hi Queen Lear –
Thanks for commenting. I’m so with you on both points! And the song is catchy, to boot. I’ve been humming it to myself through out the day. Tee hee.
I am hoping that everyone is watching what is going on with Edward Snowden and Wikkileaks with as much interest as I am. Whistelblowers. That’s what we are as well.
As I was listening to NPR this morning, I was suprized to find out that there is a “Muzzle List” – people who know too much and who aren’t afraid to speak out.
Am listening to this again and each time I listen, the “observations” with the creepy guitar backdrop makes me laugh. Cheers to you, oh musical scribe! 😉
This totally made my day. Thanks for sharing 🙂 .
My pleasure! I’m glad you enjoyed it!
I shared an office with one of the main teachers for 5 years. She did almost no work and spent nearly all her time on the phone doing cult work. Our boss (of blessed memory) kept giving her the credit for my work and covering up for her lack of productivity –I think he was in on the cult somehow. After I left her lack of effort was more exposed and she was finally fired. She became a full time teacher.
This person made my life a living hell for 5 years. It gives me some closure to understand what was really going on.
Hi Prof E, Thanks for your comment. I have to ask, it doesn’t sound like you were “in” school. How did sort out that you were sharing your office with a main teacher?
It was well known around the office. Plus 5 years of overheard conversations. For the first couple years I thought she was doing some sort of sales. Wackiest thing is when she started moonlighting as a cocktail waitress. With a Ph.D.
I can’t tell you how funny I find this:
1) Even after being “out” for almost two years, I am amazed to discover that the “invisible world” of “school” is (in reality) quite visible to the un-“schooled”. Her cult activity was well known in your office? I remember trying to be so discreet with my “school” phone calls. And feeling so special about my “invisible” mission.
2) A cocktail waitress, eh. That’s so “school”. We were often instructed to “work against” our own “pictures of ourselves” and “do what *it* didn’t want to do”. Many people took on similar jobs — the best example I can think of was when the omnipotent Sharon instructed one classmate, a graphic designer, to be a garbage man.
Thanks for writing! I’d love to hear more about your close encounter of a “school” kind.
Prof E, I forgot to include the 3rd reason why I find your story so funny:
School preaches that its minions practice what they call “external considering“, which means putting yourself into another person’s shoes and acting from that place, as opposed to falling into the default state of internal considering, which means viewing the world through the lens of everything revolves around me. “Teachers” would caution, “externally consider always, internally consider never.”
P.D. Ouspensky, a legitimate teacher of “The Work”, says “External considering must be cultivated; internal considering must be eliminated.”
I can see that this main “teacher” set a good example for her charges, by making your life hell and taking credit for all of your work.
Yet another affirmation that leaving “school” means leaving behind a web of fallacy, rather than leaving “the source” as claimed.
It is so interesting that you state that “the “invisible world” of “school” is (in reality) quite visible to the un-”schooled”.”
Friends and family might not know what is going on but they DO KNOW that something is going on. People are not blind. I think that in “school” we were taught to believe that the rest of the world is blind or at least so out of it because they are a part of mechanical humanity that they wouldn’t know a dog if they tripped over one. It’s not true though.
Spouses and loved ones DO KNOW because people’s behavior in “school” is just plain odd. Two nights a week “I can’t tell you where I am going” or “It’s a secret” or “I don’t have to explain my life to you” or “It’s my special spiritual group” etc. One weekend a month, the same thing. One week a year (for those “lucky” enough to go to Montana), the same thing. Nights spent out looking to recruit people into the group. Christmas parties. Classes outside of class. Other “special” 3rd line of work projects. Books with strange covers on them. Secret phone calls. Secret little notebooks that you jot things down in. The list goes on.
To anyone with half a brain (and believe it or not, most people who are not in “school” have MORE than half a brain) it is OBVIOUS something is going on. But everyone in school thinks they are doing these things invisibly and no one is noticing. And for almost anyone these days, it’s easy to go on the internet and find out exactly what is going on. It’s not hard to find the information.
Your families and loved ones may keep quiet about it but they do know.
Yes, you are right, Gentle Souls’, it’s not invisible at all.
Not just family! At least 50 people in the office specifically knew that the “teacher” was a cult leader. About three people were invited to school sessions. All three found the proceedings to be completely nuts and unacceptable. The rest of us couldn’t understand why anyone in their right mind would have any interest in the “school” whatsoever.
It seems that this cult had some powerful appeal to certain people. I think it drew in certain vulnerable folks while the rest of us just shook their heads.
Well, it did draw in a lot of very bright and interesting people and that was one of the attractions. It wasn’t only vulnerable people who were attracted to the group but also people who were looking for something: for more meaning in their lives, for a spiritual community, for a different path through life. That those sincere longings were exploited is the real crime behind “school”.
I grew up in NY and have lived there all my life. I consider myself fairly “street smart” and the only scam I ever fell for was Sharon Gans. Someday I am going to forgive myself for that but I am not quite there yet.
I am totally amazed that “school” was an “open secret” in your office to so many people and for so long. I know that there are several “school” run businesses but I didn’t know that they hired people who were not in the group.
I can attest to what Mariah is saying. When I first encountered “school”, I was in a pretty vulnerable state. But that certainly wasn’t true for everyone. Many of my “classmates” had degrees from MIT, Harvard, Yale, etc and had decent work and families. It was rare, I noticed, that any of us were particularly passionate about our work. I hardly think that those with ambitions and truly demanding and successful occupations would have time for school’s top-secret missions of further recruitment and party planning.
I can also attest to the “school”-cast spell that makes its attendees feel as though “school” activities are somehow invisible to the un-schooled — as though all things “school”-related were sprinkled with magic fairy dust, or just occurring at a higher level than most of the unschooled minions could comprehend. I remember when “school” deemed me “ready” for top secret recruitment “3rd line of work”, a “classmate” telling me that she once brought a friend to one of the lectures and that the friend — who didn’t end up coming to school — eventually forgot about the entire thing. Most people, school would tell us, forget.
I think it’s hilarious that so many of your un-schooled colleagues knew/know. It reminds me of the first time I saw Time Out Magazine’s “Follow-the-Leader Kool Aid” ratings ( There was OSG in all it’s glory — Time Out editors gave the top secret “esoteric school” a 1 cup Kool Aid rating. I think it deserves at least two cups.
Please excuse my excitement, but you have no idea how healing this information is for me! What year was this? Was your office in Boston or New York? Did your co-horts attend actual classes, or did they go to one of the lectures? Did they report all the goings on back to the office?