I want to give another shout out to my fellow “Disgruntled”! I’m sooooo enjoying having a partner in online “evilness”(THANK YOU, Mr. S!) … Right now, he’s on a campaign to steal “school’s” current student body. He’s recruiting them into a new group called…
Imagine, if you will, a group that …
- Kicks off membership with a free, month-long experiment!
- Politely requests that you don’t tell anyone about this … “it’s private … just for you.” ( … awwww, how special)
- Requires 2 nights a week from 7 pm until around midnight-ish, or longer if the leadership is feeling particularly verbose (DON’T BE LATE!)
- Is super helpful for roughly 1-2 years, after which time it “increases demands”, claims the demands are necessary! Paramount in importance is the demand to “make new friends” and maligns your character on a regular basis.
- Neglects to mention the expectation of lifelong tenure at $350/month …
- Intentionally sucks up as much of your personal time as possible to alienate you from the unenlightened “un-schooled” with it’s requirements to “protect the invisible world” at all costs!
- Constantly reminds you that these demands “are necessary for your evolution!” to nurture a lifelong dependency …. (how else to keep your bank account replenishing Sharon’s retirement via monthly IV drip, my pretty??? )
Oh wait, if you’re reading this, you don’t have to imagine this … b/c you’ve probably lived it. Mr. S new group the “DARK SIDE” … is NOT that. To learn more about the new group visit …
Ha ha – I like your improvements – I will reference a link to this!