Good Morning Readers,
Happy Labor Day weekend! I’m actually a little chilly! Summer’s winding into fall. Last week, CNN aired the documentary, Holy Hell. If you want to understand cults, watch this film. It presents normal people drawn to a community, and leader, by normal vulnerabilities. The ex-members interviewed, and shown, were once young, idealistic and searching. They ached for substance, community, meaning. And I could relate.
Other cult films depict members as freaks. People you would run away from in a NY minute. My “school” mates were educated, normal people with friends, families and jobs. Most of the time, we sat around discussing ideas. The freaky cult factor seeped in slowly, imperceptibly, over time.
Predictably, lifted curtains expose two cults with two systems of bizarre deception in desperate attempts to bury allegations of abuse. Leaving groups of intelligent humans asking, how did I fall for this con job?
That question drives my crusade. There’s something innately human about seeking guidance, meaning, substance. When we embrace and care for those emotional & spiritual vulnerabilities, the cult market will dry up. Narcissists will have to find something else to do … maybe they’ll become real estate moguls who run for president …
Today, though, both groups still exist in some form. Andre, the one exposed in Holy Hell, moved operations to Hawaii.”School’s” corporate HQ in NYC and its Boston branch are hanging on (though struggling, I’ve heard). Thousands of other predatory groups inflict damage on individuals, families and communities and — it appears — often with impunity.
So, I’m gonna keep on speaking out, singing out, talking about this and encouraging others to do the same, until either I kick, or predatory groups become unacceptable, the consumer base dries up and cults can no longer sustain themselves. If you’d like to see that happen, contributing to Cult Confessions: The CD! is a good place to start!
Here’s the link:
Thanks, and happy, cult-free, fall! Esther
Holy Hell is available on Netflix for anyone who missed it (like me).
It’s been a year for me. I wonder how many people from my group are left.
Yes, sometimes I wish I were a fly on the wall. We can only hope that others followed your lead … generally, a departure is like one of those threads that fray on a sweater — once you pull on it, the sweater is dangerously close to unraveling. That’s why “school” tries so desperately to cling on to people … and all cults, really … except those who leadership kicks out. That’s another post.