Free speech & interview with Attorney Peter Skolnik

Hello Readers:

Recently, I posted about the International Cultic Studies Association’s study on free speech suppression via frivolous cultic litigation. Here’s a link to the article/interview with Attorney Peter Skolnik, who has been fighting cults for 15 years: ICSA Today Vol. 08 No. 01 2017 – Esther Article

This opposition brief by Counselor Skolnik drives the point home, if you’re interested. Mr. Skolnik’s briefs tend to be more entertaining than most legalese. He hits the mark quickly and accurately.

Thanks for visiting, GSR

2 thoughts on “Free speech & interview with Attorney Peter Skolnik

  1. Haven't Decided Today says:

    The brief was a marvelous read. I’d recommend it to anyone in the group, stopping by this page, who would like to see how a, uh, “real” woman attends to her business. Bullying by proxy without the courage to face the person she wanted to destroy. What did they used to say, that fear and pride were the two major weaknesses of people? I guess the lawsuits were an attempt to demonstrate the principle.

    How these people can live with themselves, I can’t understand. Forget dying like a dog (those who leave) or living like a dog (those who are left). These people don’t even seem capable of managing the integrity or dignity of a dog.

  2. The Gentle Souls Revolution says:

    I agree – it’s a satisfying read. I’ve had the pleasure of reading several of Skolnik’s responses. He doesn’t pull punches.

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