In the spirit of self-empowerment through education, and to veer briefly away from our globally shared trauma, called coronavirus made worse by incompetence and corruption from the White House, and connected propaganda outlets, Faux News and the Trump cult (RIP Republican Party) , today I wanted to share a little tidbit from Margaret Singer’s book, Cults in Our Midsts.
On page 43, in a chapter on the history of cults, she outlined a brand of cult that developed in the 70s, spiritual cults ” … cults to expand awareness”.
School definitely falls in this category: “Personal spiritual experiences were uprooted, aided by talismans and seers. Potions, oils, crystals …. became the tools of the breed of pied pier that led these groups. As is not the case in other categories, many female leaders flourished here … the California-based Fellowship of Friends and certain other “Fourth-Way” groups whose teachings are based on the works of G.I. Gurdjieff and P.D. Ouspensky.
Sound familiar, Sharon, Robert?
Ms. Singer was a hero. You can learn more about her in this New York Times tribute:
Daniel Liszt is a Cambridge-based journalist who goes by the moniker Dark Journalist. He examines, among other things, dabbling in the occult by the politically powerful and famous throughout history and also examines the roles played by Gurdjieff, Ouspensky and mystery schools in the world at large. He has a new broadcast every Friday, and they are fascinating. I recommend starting at the beginning of his talks for a fuller picture, but if you want to go right there, check these out:
There are indeed genuine mystery schools in the world, but “School” was never one of them. Developing spiritual discernment, in order to suss out the real from conman, is part of the seeker’s path. Love is the guide and key.
Margaret Singer remained fearless though she was pursued by the nasty ones.
Another brave modern day spiritual truth teller:
“To love without fear– that’s why we’re here.”
Hi Gerda – good to hear from you! Thanks for the links. I’ll definitely check them out. I seem to have to read and listen to and watch everything cult related. Just finished the docu-series, Wild Wild Country, which is a crazy true story of a cult in Oregon in the 80s. Mr. Gurdjieff gets a mention in one episode. I’ll be posting about that soon.
Hope that you’re healthy and safe! GSR
I wonder what Singer might say about Sister Keri’s crusade to save us from the evils of the “deep state’s nano technology war on humanity.”
At the risk of judging this on just a cursory glance at the material– one shouldn’t exchange one whack job for another.
And re:Daniel Liszt
Conspiracy website– In addition to long lectures about Gurdjieff and Fourth Way Systems you can hear about Coronavirus “hoax”, WHO conspiracies, Zuckerberg and Bill Gates helping to suppress truth tellers like Alex Jones-
I can’t claim to know full objective truth about this stuff- but a lot of it seems to come from the paranoid conspiracy playbook that was Gans and Horn’s specialty.
I’m just reading this. “Truth tellers like Alex Jones …” That’s pretty much all I need to read. Yea, Alex Jones, the guy who said that the Newtown shooting was staged. What a guy.
I would hope that Singer would have the good sense to do a careful study of Sister Keri’s biography (provided at her website), watch her videos and correspond with her (as I have) in order to better understand methods of mind control and cults in our midst. Her claims may seem outrageous at first, but imagine trying to convince the average Belmonter that there had been a cult operating right in the center of town, so powerful that it got people to fork over thousands of dollars, marry, divorce and even give up their own children. They simply don’t want to believe it.
Sister Keri was shocked to discover the corruption hidden at the abbey where she prayed, and even more to find that she became a target of the justice system (with its own ties to the church) simply for trying to get the church to do the right thing. Still, she helped hundreds of victims of the Catholic sex abuse scandal in Boston get treatment and recompense they needed.
She was harassed, poisoned and tortured with electronic weapons, yet was able to find practitioners to help her heal.
She learned about NanoDomesticquell from Bill Weld, and understandably wanted to warn people of the danger it appeared to pose. Since his material has been supressed, it’s hard to ascertain what is true, but the story he told sounds eerily familiar given our current circumstances, and certainly Sister Keri’s personal run-in with human evil has shown her there are minds devious enough to want to pursue such a scheme.
As for Daniel Liszt, again, I’d encourage anyone to investigate his work yourself. Former members of “school” warned that once you’re in, you quickly lose the ability to ask questions. I believe it was *because* I did NOT follow the rules, and investigated for myself, that I quickly learned the truth about “school” in less than 2 months, rather than investing years of my life. More and more, I see people outsourcing their analysis to “fact checkers,”–who might have their own agendas– to tell them what to think, rather than
investigating on their own and benefiting from that learning process.
I was never subjected to any “conspiracy playbook” at school, and while I understand how such a thing could be used to manipulate, there are indeed real conspiracies, and real criminals who commit them.
How convenient to hide crime behind a curtain of rumored “conspiracy theory.”
Remember, those who tell the truth about school are simply “disgrunglted ex-members.” 😉
Real “conspiracies” pertinent to both Sisiter Keri and DL:
Operation Paperclip
Poisoner in Chief:
“The point of freedom is to free someone else.” -Toni Morrison
Since it’s on topic, I couldn’t pass up sharing the article about a fact check website that was part of NXIVM. Unbelievable!
Did the editor in chief know he was part of a cult?
Here’s his webpage:
Reminds me that there are members of “school” who are part of otherwise well-thought of and even prestigiou organizations. People would never guess. Until they see for themselves.