Cult Confessions: The CD & Crowd Funding …

Hello Readers,

Since 2011, when I departed the hallowed halls a lot of projects have been brewing under the radar:

  • A public awareness raising presentation based around my original songs to educate as many people as possible about predatory groups.
  • As CD project and eventual record of these songs.
  • A private therapeutic healing arts practice.

Cult experiences are full of endless ironies. For example, I went into “school” seeking purpose and found that purpose when I left. I will talk about cultic ironies in another post, though.

This post is to announce my Indiegogo crowd funding campaign. I’m really excited about the CD!!! My producer REALLY  gets it, and me, so I’m thrilled by the way it’s coming out! Woo hoo!

I do need to raise more funds to complete our work and I’m hoping that you, dear readers, can help me do so, either by contributing what you can, spreading the word, or both, if possible. So … here’s the link with more info:

Thank you for reading! Thank you for contributing! I raise a toast to your “school”-free life!!!

2 thoughts on “Cult Confessions: The CD & Crowd Funding …

  1. Rosie says:

    You go girl!!!

    Best of Luck!
    Break a Leg!
    Fingers Crossed!
    Knock them Dead!
    Blow them Away!
    Go Forth and Conquer!
    Smooth Sailing!
    May the Force be With You!


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